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Miejski Zarząd Portu Jastarnia
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Ship waste management plan

The Municipal Port Authority of Jastarnia presents to the public:

Ship waste management plan

in the Sea Port in Jastarnia


The plan was approved by the decision of the Starosta of Puck

ROŚ.6230.3.2023 MA of October 26, 2023


                                                                       Mirosław Mońko


                                                          Head of the Jastarnia Municipal Port Authority

















84-140 Jastarnia

street Portowa 43









Mirosław Mońko

Head of MZP Jastarnia


representing person





Jastarnia 2023




This Ship Waste Management Plan for the Jastarnia Sea Port was developed based on the requirements of Art. 14, section 1. Act of May 12, 2022
on port facilities for receiving waste from ships (Item 1250









  1. Name, registered office, address and legal form of the entity managing the port. 4
  2. Assessment of the demand for port facilities for the reception of waste
    from ships, taking into account the needs of ships usually visiting
    the port………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
  3. Description of the type and capacity of port facilities for receiving waste
    from ships………………………………………………………………………………… 8
  4. Description of procedures for the collection and collection of waste from ships, including the location of port reception facilities for waste from ships for each berth
    and their opening hours……………………………………………………………… 10
  5. Description of the cost coverage system…………………………………………………. 17
  6. Description of the procedure for reporting irregularities regarding port facilities
    for receiving waste from ships……………………………………………………….. 17
  7. Information on cooperation with other entities in the field of
    ship waste management……………………………………………. 18
  8. Information regarding supervision over ship waste management,
    including name and surname, job position of the person designated by
    the port managing body to supervise ship waste management……………………………………………………… …………... 18
  9. Description of the consultation procedure on the draft ship waste management plan
    with the entities referred to in Art. 13
    section 3 of the Act on port facilities for receiving waste from ships……….19
  10. Information on the types and quantities of waste received from ships
    and processed at port reception facilities
    …………………………………………………………………………….. 19




Situational map of the port with indication of ship waste collection facilities










  1. Name, registered office and address as well as legal form of the entity managing the port




84-140 Jastarnia

street Portowa 43


Tel: (58) 673-59-60

e-mail: mzp@jastarnia.pl





The Jastarnia Municipal Port Authority was established on the basis of Resolution No. LXVII/618/2023 of the Jastarnia City Council of August 31, 2023 on the establishment of a budget unit called the " Jastarnia Municipal Port Authority ."



The Jastarnia Municipal Port Authority (hereinafter referred to as the Jastarnia MZP plan )
is the budgetary unit of the Jastarnia Commune.


The boundaries of the Sea Port in Jastarnia are indicated in the Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy of June 15, 2000 on determining the landward boundary of the sea port in Jastarnia (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 52, item 628).







  1. Assessment of the need for port facilities for the reception of waste from ships, taking into account the needs of ships usually visiting the port



The assessment of the demand for port facilities for the reception of waste from ships
was carried out based on the analysis of the below-mentioned statistical data on the collection of waste from ships in 2021 and the experience
in managing waste from ships of MZP Jastarnia.






Type of ship




Number of port calls


Number of ships that transferred individual ship waste
to port ship waste reception facilities


MARPOL Convention Annex I

- oils

MARPOL Convention Annex II

- harmful liquid substances

MARPOL Convention Annex IV

- sewage

MARPOL Convention Annex V

- waste

MARPOL Convention
Annex VI

- related to air pollution



they do not call at the port






chemical tanker


they do not call at the port






bulk carrier


they do not call at the port






container ship


they do not call at the port






another cargo ship

they do not call at the port






Passenger ship

they do not call at the port






ro-ro ship


they do not call at the port






fishing vessels



MZP Jastarnia does not keep records of the number of ships calling at the port. Waste received from ships - total for fishing vessels and recreational vessels in 2021 amounted to:

  1. MARPOL Convention Annex I – oils 17 m3
  2. MARPOL Convention Annex II - harmful liquid substances 0 m3
  3. MARPOL Convention Annex IV - sewage 0 m3
    (the port has acquired the capacity to receive sewage from ships and measures the received waste)
  4. MARPOL Convention Annex V – waste incl
  • unsegregated (mixed) 135 m3
  • sorted (paper, plastic, glass) 14 m3
  1. MARPOL Convention Annex VI - related to air pollution 0 m3


recreational vessels

other ships


they do not call at the port







Table 1. Assessment of the demand for port facilities for receiving waste from ships

in the context of the type and number of ships calling at the port
and the frequency of their use of port reception facilities for ship waste







Type and amount of waste expected to be collected from ships


Waste categories

Volume of waste (m3) of individual waste expected to be collected at port facilities for receiving waste from ships

Waste code in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Climate of January 2, 2020. regarding the waste catalog
(Journal of Laws, item 10, as amended)

MARPOL Convention Annex I

- oils



  • bilge oils from marine vessels

waste code 13 04 03


  • oily solid waste from ships

waste code 13 08 80

MARPOL Convention Annex II

- harmful liquid substances



MARPOL Convention Annex IV

- sewage


  • sanitary sewage

MARPOL Convention Annex V

- waste


  • unsegregated (mixed) municipal waste

waste code 20 03 01


  • sorted paper waste:
  1. paper and cardboard waste
    waste code 20 01 01
  2. paper and cardboard packaging
    waste code 15 01 01


  • sorted glass waste:
  1. glass waste
    waste code 20 01 02
  2. glass packaging
    waste code 15 01 07


  • segregated metal waste:
  1. metal waste
    waste code 20 01 40
  2.  metal packaging
    waste code 15 01 04



  • sorted plastic waste:
  1. plastic waste
    waste code 20 01 39
  2. plastic packaging
    waste code 15 01 02

Beverage cartons are collected in plastic containers

  • multi-material packaging
    waste code 15 01 05


  • used batteries
      1. alkaline batteries (except 16 06 03*) - waste code 16 06 04,
      2. other batteries and accumulators

waste code 16 06 05


  • waste electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned

on 20/01/21, 20/01/23 and 20/01/35

waste code 20 01 36

MARPOL Convention Annex VI

- related to air pollution






Table 2. Type and amount of waste expected to be collected from ships







Assessment of the demand for port facilities for the reception of passively caught waste



volume (m 3 )






weight (kg)






Table 3 . Assessment of the demand for port facilities for the reception of passively caught waste



Assessment of the need for port facilities for the collection of used fishing gear



volume (m 3 )






weight (kg)






Table 4 . Assessment of the need for port facilities for the collection of used fishing gear


The expected amount of waste from ships to be collected in 2024/2025,
for fishing vessels and recreational vessels in individual waste groups, will be:



Amount of waste expected to be collected from ships



Waste categories

Volume of waste (m3) of individual waste expected to be collected at port facilities for receiving waste from ships


MARPOL Convention Annex I – oils





MARPOL Convention Annex II - harmful liquid substances





MARPOL Annex IV – sewage




MARPOL Convention, Annex IV, spent fishing gear, passively caught waste





MARPOL Convention Annex V – waste





MARPOL Convention Annex VI - related to air pollution









  1. Description of the type and capacity of port facilities for receiving waste from ships



  1. Prevention of oil pollution (oil waste and mixtures thereof listed in Annex I of the MARPOL Convention).



The target place for collecting the above-mentioned waste. fraction is an underground tank
with a capacity of 10 m 3 . The reservoir is located in the northern part of the Rybackie Quay, adjacent to the slip.

An indirect collection point for oily water from ships is a mobile tank with a capacity of 1,000 liters located in the southern part of the Rybackie Quay in a closed garbage shelter.



  1. Harmful liquid substances transported in bulk (listed in MARPOL Annex II ).



Ships normally stationed in the sea port of Jastarnia or calling at this port do not carry harmful liquid substances in bulk.



  1. Sewage from ships (listed in MARPOL Annex IV ).


The place of collection of sewage from ships is a sewage pumping station connected to the city sewage network. The pumping station is located in the northern part of the Rybackie Quay.



  1. Solid waste (ship waste listed in MARPOL Annex V )



Containers for selective waste collection are available in the port area.
Waste containers are available in 5 colors. We distinguish the following colors:

  1. black/graphite container for mixed waste,
  2. yellow container for plastic and metal waste,
  3. blue paper waste container,
  4. green glass waste container,
  5. red container for hazardous waste (applies to electronic waste
    , i.e. batteries, accumulators and electrical and electronic equipment).


Waste containers come as:

  1. 4-wheel waste containers,
  2. 2-wheel waste containers,
  3. bags or inserts for containers for individual waste fractions,
  4. box pallet for hazardous waste (electronic waste).


Ad. 1. 4-wheel waste containers are plastic containers that are a solution for waste collection and segregation. Waste containers
with a capacity of 1,100 liters are certified according to the PN-EN 840 standard.

Waste containers on wheels have a durable construction, practical handles, a rigid lid, 4 rubber wheels with a diameter of 20 cm and a drainage hole for keeping clean. The smooth surfaces of the containers prevent waste from retaining on them. The containers are adapted to the unloading systems used.


Ad. 2. 2-wheeled waste containers are plastic containers that are a solution for waste collection and segregation. Waste containers comply with the PN-EN 830 standard.

The waste containers have 2 rubber wheels with a diameter of 20 cm and a handle
that ensures comfortable transport. In addition, they have tight flat covers that are easy to open. The containers are adapted to the unloading systems used.

2-wheel waste containers include:

  1. waste containers with a capacity of 240 liters,
  2. waste containers with a capacity of 110 liters.



Ad. 3. Bags for individual waste fractions are available in the same colors as for waste containers. Metal three-chamber containers
use metal inserts instead of bags


Ad. 4. Hazardous waste container - electronic waste - a red pallet box. It is resistant to mechanical damage and weather conditions.



  1. Air pollution from ships (residues from exhaust gas treatment, substances that deplete the ozone layer in accordance with Annex VI
    of the MARPOL Convention).



Ships normally stationed in the sea port of Jastarnia or calling at this port do not have installations for exhaust gas purification, incineration plants or substances that deplete the ozone layer.



  1. Description of procedures for the collection and collection of ship waste, including the location of port ship waste reception facilities for each berth
    and their opening hours



  1. General conditions for the operation of port facilities for receiving waste
    from ships



General conditions for the operation of port facilities for receiving waste from ships:

  1. MZP Jastarnia provides ships using the port with access to port facilities for receiving waste from ships.
  2. Port facilities for receiving waste from ships have appropriate capacity, which is understood as the ability of port facilities
    for receiving waste from ships to ensure the collection of a specific type
    and quantity of waste from ships normally using the port, taking into account the operational needs of port users, the size and geographical location of the port , the type of ships calling at the port and the exemption granted under Art. 10 section 16 of the Act on preventing marine pollution by ships, and their operation is carried out
    in a way that does not cause unjustified delay in ship traffic.
  3. MZP Jastarnia ensures the possibility of selective collection of waste
    from ships in accordance with the Waste Act, the Act of April 24, 2009
    on batteries and accumulators (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1850 and of 2021,
    item 2151) and the Act of September 11, 2015 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1893 and of 2021,
    item 2151).
  4. MZP Jastarnia ensures that the process of delivering and collecting waste
    from ships takes place with all possible precautions in order to avoid potential threats to people staying in the port and to the environment.
  5. MZP Jastarnia ensures the collection of waste from ships using port facilities for receiving waste from ships.
    Ship waste collection facilities are self-service facilities with the exception of devices
  6. oil waste and mixtures thereof, sewage, e-waste, spent fishing gear and passively caught waste




  1. Ship waste management is carried out in three stages, i.e.:
    1. collection of waste from ships,
    2. collecting received waste in the port area,
    3. transfer of waste to authorized entities / waste records.


Ad. 1. Waste collection from ships takes place in accordance with the procedures presented below.


Ad. 2. Collection of received waste in the port area takes place
in specific locations indicated in the annex to the plan. Waste from ships is collected in containers and bags dedicated to specific
waste fractions or mixed waste.


In order to ensure the proper functioning of the
ship waste management system, port staff regularly inspect the places where receiving facilities are located. The purpose of inspecting waste collection sites is:

  1. checking the level of filling of devices with waste and taking appropriate
    actions, i.e.:
  1. if it is found that the containers for sorted waste are full, the filled bag, metal insert or the entire container will be replaced with an empty one,
  2. if it is found that the containers for unsegregated (mixed) waste are full, they will be replaced with empty containers,
  3. If it is found that the pallet for collecting electronic waste is full, the waste will be transported to the Selective Municipal Waste Collection Point and will be collected by an authorized entity.
  4. if a sufficiently high level of oily water is found
    in the 1000 l tank, the port staff will immediately transport the tank and transfer the oily water to the underground tank. If a sufficiently high level of oily water is found in the underground reservoir, an order will be placed to collect the oily water from an authorized entity.

The above actions effectively prevent overfilling of ship waste collection facilities.

  1. inspection of the technical condition of waste collection devices from ships - if an improper technical condition of a given
    waste reception device is found, it will be immediately repaired or replaced with an operational device.


Ad. 3. The transfer of waste to authorized entities is carried out
on the basis of concluded waste collection contracts. Waste collection takes place according to a pre-established schedule or on individual orders in the case of oily waste, electronic waste, used fishing equipment and passively caught waste.


Records of waste from ships are kept based on the actual amounts
of waste collected in containers and collected by an authorized entity. The entity collecting waste provides MZP Jastarnia with information on the amount of waste collected.


Records of oil waste and its mixtures received from ships, electronic waste, used fishing gear and passively caught waste are kept in registers kept by the staff of port facilities for receiving waste from ships.



  1. Description of the procedure for collecting and collecting waste from ships



    1. Prevention of oil pollution (oil waste and mixtures thereof listed in Annex I of the MARPOL Convention).



Ships normally stationed in or calling at a port have the option of delivering oil waste and its mixtures to port ship waste reception facilities.


The place where waste is collected is an underground tank with a capacity of 10 m3.

            The place of collection of this waste is a tank with a capacity of 1 m 3 , which after filling   

            is poured into an underground tank.


The shipowner may return the above-mentioned waste from the ship to the receiving port facility. For this purpose, he is obliged to pack the waste into tight containers. Then he notifies the port staff of his willingness to return such waste . It provides an oil control book in which the employee collecting oily water makes an entry confirming the receipt of such waste and in what quantity.

Then, a port employee provides access to a tank with a capacity of 1,000 liters into which the shipowner pours oily water on his own.

After filling the tank, the port staff will transport and transfer the tank to an underground reservoir


After filling the underground tank, it is emptied by a company authorized to collect the above-mentioned. waste. Oil waste and its mixtures
are collected from the underground tank using a road tanker. After pumping the waste from the underground tank, it is transported to the place of processing/disposal.



Harmful liquid substances transported in bulk (listed in MARPOL Annex II ).



Ships normally stationed in the sea port of Jastarnia or calling at this port do not carry harmful liquid substances in bulk.



    1. Sewage from ships (listed in MARPOL Annex IV ).



The shipowner wishing to discharge sewage collected in the ship's tank shall notify such intention to the port staff. The employee indicates the place where the ship should be sailed and moored. Wastewater collection from ships may be carried out using the receiving devices of the reception point or by devices installed on the ship.


The port staff agrees the method of sewage collection with the ship's staff. The collected sewage is transferred to the municipal sewage system.



    1. Solid waste (ship waste listed in MARPOL Annex V )



Ships normally stationed in or calling at a port have the option of delivering solid waste and mixtures thereof to port ship waste reception facilities.

The disposal of segregated and mixed municipal solid waste takes place by placing this waste in publicly available containers, while maintaining the obligation to selectively dispose of waste without the obligation to report it to the port staff.

If you want to dispose of solid waste:

  • Batteries and accumulators
  • Waste electrical and electronic equipment
  • Used fishing gear
  • Passively caught waste

This intention should be reported to the port staff who will provide appropriate containers for specific types of waste.


After filling the containers with waste, the port staff takes steps to empty the containers by an authorized waste collection company.







    1. Air pollution from ships (residues from exhaust gas treatment, substances that deplete the ozone layer in accordance with Annex VI
      of the MARPOL Convention).



Ships normally stationed in or calling at a port do not have exhaust gas treatment facilities, incinerators or ozone depleting substances.



  1. Location of port facilities for receiving waste from ships



Port facilities for receiving waste from ships in the port area are located in six places:

  1. At the Rybackie Quay, near the slip, there is an underground tank
    for collecting oil waste and its mixtures
  2. at the Rybackie Quay, near the slip, there is a pumping station for sewage collection;
  3. southern part of the Rybackie Quay,                                                                        
  4. in the Jastarnia Yacht Marina;
  5. on renovation sites;
  6. in the area of ??the workshop and warehouse building.


The above-mentioned locations are presented in the Appendix : Map of the location indicating the reception facilities for waste from ships.


    1. An underground tank for collecting oil waste and its mixtures


The place where the above-mentioned waste is collected. fraction is an underground tank with a capacity of
10 m3. The underground tank for collecting oil waste and its mixtures is located in the northern part of the Rybackie Wharf, adjacent to the slip.

The intermediate collection point for oily water from ships is a tank with a capacity of 1,000 liters located in the southern part of the Rybackie Quay.


After filling this tank, the port staff moves the tank and pours it into an underground tank


The location mentioned is the waste collection point for all ships.


    1. Pumping station for sewage collection


The sewage collection point is the sewage pumping station. The sewage pumping station
is located in the northern part of the Rybackie Quay, next to the slipway.


The location mentioned is the waste collection point for all ship berths.


    1.             The southern part of the Rybackie Quay


This is the main point of location of port facilities for receiving waste from ships.


There are two garbage shelters at this point:

Shed 1

It is a generally accessible collection point for mixed and separated solid municipal waste equipped with:


  1. yellow container with a capacity of 1,100 liters, 1 piece
    for collecting plastic packaging, multi-material packaging and metal packaging,
  2. blue container with a capacity of 1,100 liters, 1 piece
    for collecting paper and cardboard waste and packaging
  3. green container with a capacity of 240 liters, 2 pieces
    for collecting glass packaging,
  4. black container with a capacity of 1,100 liters, 1 piece for collecting mixed waste

Shed 2

This is a closed waste collection point which requires reporting to the port staff:

  1. black container with a capacity of 1,100 liters, 1 piece for collecting used fishing equipment.
  2. brown container with a capacity of 240 l, 2 pieces for collecting passively caught waste
  3. red pallet box for collecting used batteries, accumulators and waste electrical and electronic equipment.
  4. tank with a capacity of 1,000 liters for collecting oily water.


    1. On the premises of the Jastarnia Yacht Marina, there are containers placed and marked for collecting the following waste fractions:
  1. a yellow container with a capacity of 60 liters, 4 pcs. and a container with a capacity of 240 liters, 1 pc. for collecting plastic packaging, multi-material packaging and metal packaging,
  2. a blue container with a capacity of 60 liters, 4 pieces and a container with a capacity of 240 liters, 1 piece for collecting waste and packaging made of paper and cardboard
  3. green container with a capacity of 60 liters, 4 pieces and a container with a capacity of 240 liters, 1 piece for collecting glass packaging,
  4. a black (or dark green) container with a capacity of 1,100 liters, 1 piece and a 240-liter container, 4 pieces, for collecting unsegregated (mixed) waste.






  • In the port area, near ship repair stations,
    containers for collecting the following waste fractions are located and marked:
  • Blue container with a capacity of 240 liters, 1 piece 
    for collecting:
  • paper and cardboard packaging,
  • paper and cardboard waste.
    1. Yellow container with a capacity of 240 liters, 1 piece
      for collecting:
  • plastic waste,
  • plastic packaging,
  • multi-material packaging.
    1. Green container with a capacity of 240 liters, 1 piece 
      for collecting:
  • glass packaging
    1. Black container with a capacity of 1,100 liters, 1 piece for collecting mixed (unsegregated) waste.



    1. In the port area, near the repair workshop,
      containers for collecting the following waste fractions are placed and marked:

1) yellow container with a capacity of 240 liters, 1 piece
for collecting plastic packaging, multi-material packaging and metal packaging,

2) blue container with a capacity of 240 liters, 1 piece
for collecting paper and cardboard waste and packaging,

3) green container with a capacity of 240 liters, 1 piece
for collecting glass packaging,

4) black (or dark green) container with a capacity of 240 liters,
1 piece for collecting unsegregated (mixed) waste,



  1. Opening hours of port facilities for receiving waste from ships



Port facilities for collecting separated and mixed waste from ships are available to port users 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. The return of such waste does not require reporting to port staff


Port facilities for the collection of oil waste and its mixtures, sanitary sewage, waste batteries and accumulators, waste fishing equipment and passively caught waste are available during port service hours, i.e. from 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m., Monday to Friday.


The need to collect the above waste fractions should be reported by phone:

                              503 079 032




  1. Description of the cost coverage system


For the collection and processing of waste from ships, other than cargo residues, shipowners pay indirect, additional and special fees.

An indirect fee is understood as a fee for the provision of port services in the field of port facilities for receiving waste from ships, which is paid by each ship regardless of the actual delivery of waste from ships . The indirect fee fully covers the costs of receiving and processing waste from ships specified in Annex V to the MARPOL Convention.

There is no indirect fee charged to ships which, in accordance with Art. 10 section 16 of the Act on the Prevention of Sea Pollution by Ships, they were exempted from the obligation to provide prior information about ship waste and to hand over ship waste each time before leaving the port.

MZP Jastarnia charges an additional fee if the amount of waste delivered exceeds the limits of individual types of waste specified in the Price List of fees for the collection of waste from ships and for the collection of waste not covered by the indirect fee:

? Sanitary sewage

? Waste electrical and electronic equipment 

? Used batteries and accumulators

Waste collection from ships at times and in conditions other than those specified in the "Ship Waste Management Plan in the Port of Jastarnia" is subject to a special fee of PLN 50 for each waste collection operation.

The amounts of fees related to waste collection at the Jastarnia Sea Port are included in the Price List of fees for waste collection from ships . The price list is published on notice boards and on the website of MZP Jastarnia. www.bip.mzp.jastarnia.pl   in the Waste collection price list tab .                                


  1. Description of the procedure for reporting irregularities regarding port facilities
    for receiving waste from ships


If the captain of a ship calling at the port finds improper functioning of port facilities for receiving waste from ships
or if MZP Jastarnia fails to inform the ship's captain about this fact,
the captain shall immediately report these irregularities to the Director of the Maritime Office
in Gdynia.

The irregularities referred to above are reported using the International Maritime Organization form set out in Annex I to the International Maritime Organization circular, reference number: MEPC.1/Circ.834/Rev.1.

If it is impossible to collect waste from ships, MZP Jastarnia is obliged to issue a certificate to the ship's captain confirming the impossibility of collecting waste from ships in the port.


Port users may submit their comments or noticed irregularities in the operation of waste collection facilities from ships in writing, in person
or by phone directly to the Manager of the Jastarnia Municipal Port Authority.

  1. Information on cooperation with other entities in the field of ship waste management



MZP Jastarnia cooperates with the following entities when collecting waste from ships:

  1. ABRUKO Sp z o. o. ul. Gdańska 78 84-120 Władysławowo
    in the field of solid waste collection as an entity providing municipal waste collection services,
  2. ELWOZ ECO Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in 83-340 Sierakowice, ul. Słupska 2 in the field of waste management
  3. COMAL Sp. z o. o., 80-550 Gdańsk, ul. Kujawska 10.
    MZP Jastarnia concluded an agreement for the collection of oil waste and its mixtures.
  4. REMONDIS Elektro recycling Sp. z o. o. ul. Zawodzie 18
    02-981 Warszawa MZP Jastarnia concluded a contract for the collection of electronic waste.



  1. Information regarding supervision over ship waste management,
    including the name and surname and job position of the person designated by the port managing entity to supervise ship waste management.



Person designated to supervise:


Head of the Jastarnia Municipal Port Authority

Mr. Mirosław MOŃKO


  • telephone contact : (58) 673-59-60 or 507 857 652
  • e-mail contact : mzp@jastarnia.pl
  • contact by mail :

84-140 Jastarnia,
ul. Portowa 43


  • contact from 07:30 to 15:30 on working days.







  1. Description of the consultation procedure on the draft ship waste management plan
    with the entities referred to in Art. 13 section 3 of the Act

    on port facilities for receiving waste from ships



Before approval, the draft Ship Waste Management Plan for the Jastarnia Sea Port was subject to consultations with port users, recipients of ship waste, organizations implementing obligations arising
from extended producer responsibility and social organizations.


The project was placed on the website of MZP Jastarnia. The Jastarnia MZP notice board contains information that port users,
waste entrepreneurs and other interested parties can submit comments
on the draft plan within 14 days from the date of posting the above-mentioned plan. information.


Moreover, port users, waste entrepreneurs and other interested parties have the opportunity to
consult with MZP Jastarnia regarding ship waste management in the port. In the event of any comments regarding the operation of the rules set out in the Ship Waste Management Plan at the Jastarnia Sea Port , the above-mentioned persons have the right to submit a written position on the matter to MZP Jastarnia.


MZP Jastarnia, when conducting consultations on the
ship waste management plan, processes the following data of entities taking a position during the consultations:

      1. name or name and surname;
      2. place of residence and address or registered office and address;
      3. electronic address.



  1. Information on the types and quantities of waste received from ships
    and processed at port ship waste reception facilities.



There is no waste processing in the port within the meaning of Art. 3
section 1 point 21 of the Waste Act, i.e. processing - this means recovery or disposal processes, including preparation preceding recovery
or disposal.

No pre-treatment, processing, mixing or other activities that change the nature or composition of the waste take place in the port .

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1 sitiational map.pdf (PDF, 301.38Kb) 2024-05-21 10:59:47 86 razy
2 mapa sytuacyjna.pdf (, 301.38Kb) 2024-05-21 10:53:54 1 raz

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Akcja Osoba Data
Dodanie dokumentu: Mirosław Mońko 30-01-2024 10:06:33
Osoba, która wytworzyła informację lub odpowiada za treść informacji: Mirosław Mońko 30-01-2024
Ostatnia aktualizacja: Mirosław Mońko 21-05-2024 11:01:07